The Bozeman branch of AAUW has been active for almost 90 years and includes about 30 members living in Bozeman and other parts of Gallatin County.
Regular brunches are held on Saturdays in late April or May and again in December. Other meetings are scheduled when persons presenting the programs are available. Regular observances of Equality Day and Constitution Day are held in August and September respectively.
Programs and Activities
AAUW-Bozeman is an active member of the Montana Women’s Lobby and regularly co-sponsors candidate forums with the Bozeman chapters of the League of Women Voters and the Business and Professional Women.
Interest Groups
A small book group meets at noon every second Tuesday of the month, except in January and during the summer.
Contact Information
For more information about the branch and how to join contact us at Branch Board or AAUW-Bozeman Branch.
- Cheryl Juergens, Branch President
- Cassidy Medicine Horse, President-Elect
- Barbara Brown, Past-President
- Rosanne Nash, Communications
- Debbie Blackburn, Finance Director
- Jennifer Woodcock, Co-Program Chair
- Corky Bush, Co-Program Chair
- Cindy Carlton, Special Events