Below is some general information about our branch. Further details are posted
on our website calendar. We hope to see everyone at our next branch & guest event,
Thanks to all who attended this year’s spring
AAUW Bozeman Branch Membership & Brunch Meeting held on
Saturday May 21st 2016 from 930am-1230pm at the
Bozeman HDRC Community Cafe at 302 N 7th Avenue
We have some upcoming Branch events (listed below) and ask that you “Save-the-Date” for these Branch Activities. Please mark these dates on your calendar so you can attend and support our branch!
(1) Summer “Salad Social” – Tuesday July 19th (5-7pm). Location TBA.
(2) MSU Catapalooza – Thursday & Friday Aug 25 & 26th (10am-3pm). The Board will be
contacting members to sign up for shifts during these two days. To select a shift early email
us at “”.
(3) MSU CU and Bozeman Branch “e-student” Social, MSU Jake Jabs College of Business & Entrepreneurship, Room #207, Sept 20th (530-7pm). Branch members are invited to support this event by attending and meeting the MSU “e-student” members
(4) Bozeman Area Chamber of Commerce (BACC) – Before (730-830) & After (530-730) Business Hours Socials. This is a way to network and advocate for our Branch plus delicious food is served! Further information is posted below with links directly to the BACC website calendar.
(5) October 7th 2016 (first Friday of the month) – Blue Jean Friday, our AAUW-Bozeman Branch is the organization being sponsored. It is important that we get share AAUW’s important mission and programs with as many community members as possible between now and October 7th…. Be an active AAUW advocate and help support this branch fundraising event!
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NEW AAUW-Bozeman Branch Membership Brochure
AAUW-Bzmn Branch Membership Brochure Word (click here)
AAUW-Bzmn Branch Membership Brochure pdf (click here)
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Remember to attend the Bozeman Area Chamber of Commerce (BACC) Business “Before” & “After” Hours Socials. These socials are a great way to meet fellow branch members and to share the AAUW mission with others in our community and they are part of our BACC membership.
Business “Before” & “After” Hours Socials
The BACC “Before” & “After” business hour socials are posted on the BACC website at (Click Here) and also on our branch website calendar. The “before” socials are held on the 1st Thursday of the month from 7:30-8:30am (Click Here), and the “after” hour socials are held on the 4th Thursday of the month from 5:30-7:30pm (Click Here).
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General Branch Information
The Bozeman Branch has over 20 members and the Branch Board meets monthly.
We welcome those interested in supporting the AAUW mission, “to promote equity for women and girls” at all of our events.
Our Branch sponsors several annual events including a December brunch and an annual spring meeting. In 2015 the members hosted a “Wine, Sparkling Cider, Cheese & Cracker” social in mid-January and a “Summer Salad Social” in mid-July.
In June four branch members attended the national convention held in southern California. Two of these members hosted a Round Table Session that featured the statewide AAUW-MT Salary Negotiation Grant Project (for further details see
In August the AAUW-Bozeman branch also sponsored a two day table at the Montana State University (MSU) Catapolooza event (please see below picture and information).
On October 17th as part of the AAUW-MT statewide Salary Negotiation Project the AAUW-Bozeman Branch and the MSU Jake Jabs College of Business and Entrepreneurship (JJCBE) co-sponsored a Start Smart Salary Negotiation workshop on the Bozeman campus (see below pictures).
The Branch Board has begun planning 2016 events. We welcome to all of our events those interested in supporting the AAUW mission of advancing equity for women and girls through advocacy, education, philanthropy, and research.
December 12th 2015 – Branch Holiday Brunch — The branch hosted its annual Holiday Brunch on Sat December 12th. Diane Ehrenberger was honored with some of her family in attendance and a few ot those present are included in the below pictures. See you at the next event!
October 17th 2015 – MSU Start Smart Salary Negotiation Workshop
picture to be posted soon…
2015 AAUW National Convention in San Diego, California
Four members of the Bozeman Branch, Barbara Brown, Diane Ehernberger, Cheryl Juergens, and Martha Joh Reeder, attended the June 18-21 national convention in San Diego along with four other members representing the Great Falls and Kalispell branches.
Round Table Session featuring the AAUW-MT Start Smart Salary Negotiation Project
On behalf of the AAUW-MT Start Smart Project and the Dillon Equal Pay Coalition, Cheryl Juergens, Co-Chair & Chair, respectively, was invited to host a Round Table at the National Convention. With the assistance of the AAUW-MT Start Smart Co-Chair, Diane Eherberger, the round table session featured the unique Montana model aimed at eliminating or significantly reducing the gender pay gap in Montana. The project has trained facilitators to provide AAUW Salary Negotiation workshops at each of the 8 Montana University System (MUS) campuses. The project is funded by a grant from the Women’s Foundation of Montana (WFM), with additional funding from the Montana Office of the Commissioner of Higher Education (OSHE), the Presidents’ Offices of Montana State University (MSU) & the University of Montana (UM), and the MSU Women’s Center.
2015 MSU Catapolooza “Welcome Fair”
The Bozeman Branch hosted an AAUW Informational table at the August 20-21 Montana State University Catapolooza Welcome Event. Twelve member staffed the table and provided information about AAUW “E-Student” membership (free to all MSU undergraduate students as part of the MSU College/University Partnership with AAUW), materials about the Start Smart/Work Smart Salary Negotiation workshops, and answered general questions about AAUW. Over sixty students signed up for e-membership and many others inquired about others ways to join the local AAUW mission.
For more information about the branch and how to join, contact:
- Cheryl Juergens, Branch President, or,
- Debbie Blackburn, Finance Director
General AAUW Information
The American Association of University Women (AAUW) empowers women and girls through advocacy, education, philanthropy, and research. Our nonpartisan, nonprofit organization has more than 170,000 members and supporters across the United States, as well as 1,000 local branches and 800 college and university partners. Since AAUW’s founding in 1881, our members have examined and taken positions on the fundamental issues of the day — educational, social, economic, and political.
AAUW’s Mission
AAUW advances equity for women and girls through advocacy, education, philanthropy, and research.
AAUW’s Value Promise
By joining AAUW, you belong to a community that breaks through educational and economic barriers so that all women and girls have a fair chance.